It’s a great question, especially if you’re considering the Six Sigma Black Belt certification. The six sigma black belt or CSSBB as it’s known at ASQ, is a professional who understands
- How to explain Six Sigma philosophies and principles, including supporting systems and tools
- How to demonstrate team leadership understand team dynamics, and assigned team member roles and responsibilities.
- If you’re going to impact an organization, you need to know how to get everyone involved. If we include people, it will create this incredible magic called ownership. The Six Sigma Black Belt certification not only teaches you a lot of analytical tools, and it does there are a lot of statistics in this certification which makes you switch which makes you so powerful, so this is a good thing, but it takes a little bit of studying to get through it.
- It also brings into the skillset leadership you’re going to understand Team Dynamics. It will make you a compelling person within an organization. The black belt certification is one of the more powerful certifications ASQ offers. It can really launch your career; what else is there about the black belt.
- The black belt needs to have a thorough understanding of all aspects of the Dominque model, which is a defined measure to analyze, improve and control. We follow this process repeatedly, and you’ll become very much an expert at following it. As a result, you’re going to be able to solve many problems, so the Dominque model, following Six Sigma principles, must also.
- You must have a basic knowledge of the Lean Enterprise concepts not only basic more than just essential, but you need to implement it as well of the Lean Enterprise concepts and can identify non-value-added elements activities and use specific tools. Not only are you going to be good at statistics the black belt stuff, but you’re also going to be good at leadership, good at lean, going to be able to solve a lot of problems. You have to solve problems before they let you sit for the certification exam, so it’s a project-based certification, and I can help you through that project if you desire me to do so.
Importance of CSSBB?
- 90% of all the data that has been collected in the history of the world has been collected over the last two years. Is that amazing, or what we’re collecting data in unbelievable amounts. In the next decade, it’s going to even be exponentially more than it is now; where did why is all this taking place because we’re putting sensors on everything we’re collecting that data frequently over the internet putting it in databases.
- There are not enough people out there that know what to do with the data. The Dominque model and historically is taken four to six months to do a domain project, but the majority of that is collecting data now data. We have data as we’ve never had before, so we’re going to be able to reduce the time it takes to solve problems from months to days.
- The collecting of data is taking place due to the digital transformation; we have sensors on everything. Look at your automobile that’s collecting all kinds of data. Do you think that data just sits in your car? No, it goes to the automobile companies? They look at that data, and they’re going to make things much better. As a result, we’re collecting data in very efficient ways.
- IT is storing this data and effective databases. The significant constraint is that we do not have enough skilled people who know how to convert this data into useful information. The beauty of the black belt when someone hires a black belt, they know you understand the principles.
- They also know you had to implement some of them, and that makes you very valuable in the marketplace, and trust me, it’s only gonna become more valuable over time because data is coming in from everywhere; it’s unbelievable they’re even creating majors now on just nothing but people digging out data from data mining and so it’s a new thing that’s coming up it’s going to be very important so if you have any questions or need any help getting your certification.