The nervous system plays a role in our body on different scales. It intervenes in particular on consciousness, wakefulness, sleep , intellectual functions, language or even sensory perceptions. The latter is therefore made up of three parts: the central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord), the peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves and limbs) and the vegetative system (automatic functioning of organs).
A specialist in the central and peripheral nervous system, a neurologist ensures the management of neurological diseases. For five years, he studied general medicine before choosing neurology in the sixth year. He then left for his internship for five years. Numerous internships allow the future neurologist to master the various techniques of functional exploration of the nervous system. At the end of the course, he obtains a state diploma of doctor of medicine with a specialty in neurology.
Neurologist: what are the diseases treated by this specialist?
A neurologist in Dubai deals with pathologies related to the brain, spinal cord, nerves or nerve endings. The consultation of this specialist is necessary for head trauma , following a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), hematomas or hemorrhages inside the cranial box or brain tumors .
Expert in neurological diseases, the neurologist also monitors patients affected by degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease . It also provides follow-up for patients with epileptic seizures, multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( Charcot’s disease ).
For patients affected by frequent migraines, neurologists may need to take care of them to find them an adequate treatment in order to calm the twinges caused by these headaches. They also examine people with dizziness and tingling fingers or feet.
What is the difference between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon?
This healthcare professional does not perform surgery, he examines patients and diagnoses their ailments following clinical examinations to assess dysfunctions. After having established his observation, the neurologist can refer his patient to a neurosurgeon. The latter have different areas of expertise. He can be specialized in cranial neurosurgery, spine or pediatric.
Unlike a neurologist, the neurosurgeon conducts operations to treat nervous disorders. He writes a preoperative assessment in order to estimate the medical protocol to be followed. After the intervention, he carries out a post-operative follow-up to see its effectiveness and the patient’s remission.