Your company logo is the first impression users will get of your company and as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Logo design isn’t something every small business owner is an expert in, and many will involve a graphic designer to help. However, before you contact a designer or ger help from us here at, it’s wise to spend just a short while thinking about what you want from your logo.
Sketch out Your Ideas
Having a very rough idea of what you’d like your logo to be can help the designer suggest a range of logos which meet your requirements. Just a simple pencil drawing is fine, and will give a graphic designer a starting point. If you can’t think of any designs that’s fine – just spend some time thinking about colours or fonts you like, or save images of other logos which appeal to you.
Graphic designers talk about balance in logos. That means creating a logo which isn’t “top heavy”, and keeps the image, colour and size of text equal top to bottom and between the two sides. A logo which has balance is more appealing to the eye, and will be more easily recognised and remembered by your customers. Size also matters when it comes to a logo. The aim is to create something which looks good blown up to a larger size on the side of a van, and also great in smaller size on your company branded invoices, or as a small icon on your social media feed. Any text or fonts should be easy to read, whatever the size or the logo.
Colour Choices
There are whole books and websites devoted to colour theory, and the psychology of colour choice in logo Design. Your graphic designer will be all across this theory but you should understand the basics of the colour wheel. Don’t use colours which are so bright or clash and are hard on your customers’ eyes. Remember also that your logo will often be seen in black and white or in shades of grey, so make sure that whatever colour combination you look at will be equally effective when viewed in a range of ways. Some companies make the very bold choice of using just one distinct colour which becomes “theirs”, such as purple associated with Dairy Milk, or Starbucks and green.
Designs Suit the Marketplace
If your company is in the IT or technology sector, the natural choice is a logo using a modern font, bold colours and cutting-edge design. On the other hand, that sort of design would be inappropriate for an antique bookstore. You know your business the best, but your job is making sure that your graphic designer understands it as well as you do. Ask them to produce a range of ideas, or show them some logos your competitors are using as a starting point. Show the proposed logos to staff and friends to get a range of opinions on which is the best for your company.
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